
How To Screenshot on Windows [ 3 Methods ]

January 8, 2025 | by Abhishek Tiwari


Quick Answers

  • Press the PrtScrprtscr key icon key located in the function key row to take screenshots on Windows 11
  • press windowwindow key icon +shiftshift key icon +Ss key icon to open the snipping tool to take a screenshot with various forms
  • press windowwindow key icon+Gg key icon to take screenshots using the Xbox game bar

Thinking about how to screenshot on Windows PC, then stick with this content to explore the ways you can do this easily.

Method 1: Take screenshot using PrtScr Key

You can easily take screenshots or snip pieces of your screen by print the screen button in your windows pc.

here how,

1. press the [ PrtScrprtscr key icon ] Key on your windows pc keyboard

2. a pop-up appears on your screen showing a rectangle cursor to select part of the screen to take capture.

3. drag the cursor as big as you want to capture a screenshot.

4. you can select full-screen capture by clicking the drop-down list in the snip pop-up.

the captured screenshot automatically saved in your windows pc folder PC>Pictures>screenshot.

Method 2: Take screenshot using snipping tool

The Snipping Tool is a built-in screenshot utility in Windows 10/11, To use it,
search for “Snipping Tool” in the Windows Start menu or search bar and
open it.

a full screen screenshot of windows 11 home screen featuring snipping tool in search bar of windows

Within the Snipping Tool, click on “New” to capture a screenshot. You
can choose to capture a rectangular, free-form, window, or full-screen

snipping tool screenshot featuring new option icon to start taking screenshot

After selecting the desired area, the snip will open in a new window. From
there, you can save the screenshot or annotate it using the available tools.

Method 3: Take screenshot using xbox gamebar

Windows 10 and Windows 11 include a Game Bar that allows you to take
screenshots while playing games or using other applications.

xbox gamebar featuring camera icon to take screenshot if clicked

To open the Game Bar, press Winwindow key icon + Gg key icon. Click on the camera icon in the
Game Bar toolbar, or press Win + Alt + PrtScn to capture a screenshot. The
screenshot is saved to the “Captures” folder within the “Videos” directory.

If any reason for Xbox not signing
up follow the given instruction to resolve it.


1. How to screenshot on windows 10 and 11

Click PrtScr key or press window + shift + s key to open snipping tool and then select the crop area of screen to take screenshot. Taken screenshot will open in clipboard tap of it then save in in location.

2. Screenshot shortcut key windows 10

There are 4 shortcut in windows 10 to quickly take screenshot,

1. Altalt key icon + PrtScr prtscr key icon: It will capture currently open windows and save it in clipboard.

2. windowwindow key icon + PrtScrprtscr key icon : It will take screenshot of entire windows and auto save it on screenshot folder located in your windows 10 pc.

3. windowwindow key icon + shiftshift key icon + ss key icon : it will open snipping tool to take desire screenshot.

4. PrtScrprtscr key icon : It will take screenshot of entire window and copied it to clipboard.

3. How to automatically save screenshot after taking in windows 11

Use PrtScr key to auto save screenshot in windows 11, if this key not working then try to press Function keyfn fuction key icon and hold it then press PrtScr key.



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