
How to Know If Your PC Have SSD or HDD Hard Drive

January 13, 2025 | by Abhishek Tiwari


How to Know if Your PC Has SSD or HDD Hard Drive

key Takeaways

  • Open task manager by pressing Ctrl + shift + Esc and click on the performance tab to see hard drive information
  • Expand the hard drive option in the device manager
  • open the disk defragmentation tool and inspect the drive

It’s easy to know your hard disk type in Windows PC either Windows 10 or Windows 11. Here are two methods that help you,

1. Task Manager

To view hard disk type in Windows using task manager,

1. Press Ctrl + shift + Esc or search “task manager” in the windows search bar.

performance tab in task manager

2. once it opens click on the performance tab.

task manager showing ssd in dick section

3. In the performance tab click on the disc option and see the hard drive type given by the task manager.

2. Device Manager

To view the hard drive type by name of the manufacturer,

1. open the device manager by searching it in the windows search bar.

device manager in start menu

2. click the hard drive option to expand it

disk driver in device manager showing ssd name

3. copy the given name of the hard drive and search it on Google search to find out the drive type.

3. Disk Defrag Tool

1. open the disc defragmentation tool by searching in the windows search bar.

disc defrag tool in windows start menu

2. in the disk defrag tool there is a list of your partitioned drive and the type of your hard drive whether SSD or HDD.

ssd shown in disc defrag tool

By following above mentioned steps you can easily able to determine your PC hard disc driver type.


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